Product Catalogue Management


❏Approve, Edit and Delete Product Stock

❏Add product image

❏Approve, Edit and Delete Product Reviews

❏Related items

❏Customer can buy products online by  credit cards or bkash or any kind of payment or Cash on delivery

❏Shipping method : store collection or regular shipping

❏Add to Wishlist and Compare Functions (email when available in Stock)

❏Send to a Friend with Email and Share Buttons for different Social Media

❏Unlimited attributes groups (sizes, colors, models)

❏Unlimited products combinations (red, size XL)

❏Multiple pictures per product

❏Zoom and thick box on products pictures

❏Choice of number of products per page

❏Sort products by relevance, price

❏Manufacturers, brands management

❏Inventory Management with Backordered items, Minimum and Maximum quantities

❏Search Results rewrites and redirects

❏Customer Sort

Customer Management System:


❏Customer’s registration, and personal accounts

❏Login option with Facebook or Google + or separate registration

❏Account verification by SMS

❏Forgotten passwords recovery

❏Purchase History

❏Loyalty system (points)

❏Customers having not ordered on a configured delay follow up

❏Forms automatic filling with ReversoForm

❏Emails alerts for clients about a product replenishment



❏Order management, admin manage all orders.

❏Orders monitoring by email

❏Order Confirmation by SMS

❏Delivery tracking and status shown to the customer

❏Admin can manage discount/offer/Coupon Code

❏Customers can view their orders in their panel

❏Orders statuses customizable

❏In case of products out of stock, customers can express their wish

❏Returns management and Quality Check up (QC) status while in repair

❏Addition of returned products into stock

❏PDF invoices, slips and delivery slips

❏Refunds with automatic slip



❏Followed Searches

❏Visits and visitors

❏Orders and sales

❏Profit and loss statement

❏Customer’s accounts, customer’s profiles

❏Products statistics

❏Searches in the shop

❏Statistics per affiliate

❏Pages not found management

❏Keywords searched via search engines

❏Complete integration with Google Analytics



❏Secure Back-Office access (login and password)

❏SSL compatibility (Depends on client requirements)

❏Unique tokens in Back Office and Front Office

❏PCI DSS compliant

❏Resistance to attacks as XSS, CSRF, SQL injections, distant inclusions, path transversal

❏E-mails headers injections blocked

❏Passwords encryption in database

❏Cookies encryption

❏Block repeated attempts to recover passwords



❏Multiple users management, and permissions (ACL)

❏Maintenance mode

❏IP authorization to reach the shop in maintenance mode

❏Content management system

❏Bulk lister – import .CSV file

❏Sub domain management

❏Database backup (partial or full)

❏Automatic generation of robots.txt files

❏SMTP e-mails sending (with or without SSL-TLS) or PHP mail()

❏Products indexation for an optimized search

Payroll Management


  • There will be option to add employee


SMS and Email Integration


  • Buyer get when order will be placed
  • Admin get when payment will be completed
  • As admin requirement



  • Product Ledger
  • Party Ledger
  • Income Statement
  • Trial Balance
  • Sales Report
  • SMS report



  • Product Store
  • Home page
  • Contact
  • Help – Warranty Policy, Returns and Replacement, FAQ, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy
  • Live Chat

PACKAGE & PRICE(Woocommerce)